I was surprised when I read the line "strengthen the profession by generating knowledge through scientific studies"This is one of the significance of nursing research. Since RESEARCH define ,study to validate refine existing knowledge and develop new knowledge , therefore the thoughts of the first knowlege will remain and absulotely remain helpful , the thing is, as time pass by ,peoples curiosity and seeking for another source for knowlege will definitely continues since we are capable to learn more if we wanated to... So we keep on asking question from time to time... Thats the time also that Research we be present. Actually research can be than to all profession, (e.g.Education, Accounting, Management ,ect) But let may say something about the significance of nursing reseach , I agree that one of the most signicance of it , there is improvent in Nursing education and also nuring management is possible. Why? It is beacause from the word research itself, we can discover new words or things that is fruitful and possibly strengthen our knowledge through it. We can also managed it cause the study is already tested and proven which we can see throug it ,what is to be done and what things should be avoided.
I fully agree that nursing research is a great tool to be used for the continual development of a relevant body of knowledge in nursing since it helps to build new discovery of knowlege . I wonder , how greatful we are since we have this tool to be used? I'm sure all of us find difficulties in any work we have, we also tired being corrected by others but I think this is one of the most easy way to learn more . When we go on for the tool that we are using which is NURSING RESEARCH this is the appropriate tool that will help us alot more as well as making as passionately dealing with a new knowlege that we may encounter in the future.